How to make charcoal in Minecraft in 3 easy steps?

How to make charcoal in Minecraft 1.19
How to make charcoal in Minecraft 1.15.1

To make charcoal in Minecraft, you will need:

1. A crafting table

2. An iron ingot

3. A piece of coal

4. A furnace

5. Some sticks

6. A pickaxe (optional)

First, open your crafting table and choose the “iron ingot” from the list of items. Place the iron ingot in the center slot of the crafting table.

Next, select the “coal” item and place it in one of the corners of the crafting table.

Finally, select the “sticks” and place them in the other two corners of the crafting table.

Your charcoal is now ready! You can use it in the furnace to smelt other items, or you can use it in a crafting recipe that calls for coal. For example, you can use charcoal to make a smoke bomb.

If you want to mine coal more efficiently, you can craft a pickaxe and use it to mine coal ore blocks. When you mine a coal ore block, you will receive one or more pieces of coal. You can then use these pieces of coal to make charcoal.

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